Rev. Bret Rickard
Interim Pastor
Rev. Bret Rickard
Interim Pastor
Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.
​July 18, 2021 -- Romans 1:19-25
"God Has No Rival; Not Even Agnostacism"
July 25, 2021 -- Daniel 4:28-35
"God Has No Rival; Not Even Human Pride"
August 01, 2021 -- John 4:1-42
"Jesus Offers Living Water"
August 08, 2021 -- 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
"Surrender My Thought-Life to Jesus"
August 15, 2021 -- Ephesians 4:14-24
"Surrender My Emotions to the LORD"

Welcome to Crossroads Church of Greeley,
Thank you for taking time to visit our church. We are a life-giving church where people from all walks of life are embraced. It doesn’t matter your ethnic, religious, or economic background. We know that God has a purpose for your life and wants to have real relationship with you in community with others.
Our Beliefs
The vision of Crossroads Church is to help others find and follow Jesus.
The sole basis of our belief is the Bible. which is solely God-inspired, without error, and the final authority on all matters on which it bears. Our first question when faced with a decision is, What does the Bible say? Because it is inspired by God, it is the truth. The Scriptures are the unique, full, and final authority on all matters of faith and practice, and there are no other writings similarly inspired by God.
Service Times & Locations
Services are held in the historic, First Baptist Church Building
1091 10th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631
Sunday Morning services are at 9:00 AM.
All Church Fall Budget Meeting
Sunday, November 15th, 11:00am (chapel)
Please attend our Annual Budget Meeting
We are talking about how to cut the budget to meet our ministry needs, compared to our income. We are also looking at by-laws and constitution for how to work better together.

Work Day Prayers
Please let us know how we can pray for you and lift you up during the work hours of your day. Whether you are a stay at home parent, working from home, self-employed, on the road, or working office hours weekly, we want to know how best to pray for you. Please leave a note in our email box, and our staff will lift you up to the throne room of God.
Check out the happenings via our online calendar.
Pastor's Blog​
Click Here to read what's on Pastor Reid's heart for our church body, our community and our relationship with Christ.
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Previous Sermons
To listen to past sermons
Need Prayer?
Please connect with us