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Rev. Bret Rickard
Interim Pastor
Rev. Bret Rickard
Interim Pastor

Enjoy Big Church this Summer
Note:*No Summer Program* June - August 2019
Enjoy worship with your families in "Big Church" this summer! There are goodie bags and clipboards for you in the front of the church. You earn a free meal at Texas Roadhouse each Sunday, coupon on the goodie bags. Classes resume in September. Tots and Babies program still operates over the summer.

Students - FUSION
Fusion is the Student Ministry program at Crossroads Church. It’s a place where friendships are developed with God as the foundation!
Our goal is to develop passionate followers of Christ while keeping a healthy balance between fun and spiritual discipleship.
At Fusion, students will find a great atmosphere with people who are friendly, energetic and fun.
We meet Wednesday nights, 6:00 pm - 8:00pm at 1091 10th Ave. Greeley, 80631
For more info, contact Alf Gallegos at 970-539-5509
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